#NO, of course not," said Miss Staylace. She moved over to the air-conditioner control panel and adjusted a knob or two.

Now Marie's busy fingers were deftly unclasping the rear strap of the brassiere. As she slipped the wispy garment down and away from Leslie's chest, her face became contorted with mock gloom.


"Tut, tut, what a disappointment she murmured as she clasped his all-tooboyish breasts with her hands. "The dear little lady is dreadfully under endowed, I fear. It's such a shame that her aunt has not given Miss Leslie the proper medical treatments to ensure that her bosom attains the proper measurements for a girl of her ripe age."

"Yes," agreed Miss Staylace, "it is a pity. However, I know of an excellent lady doctor in town who specializes in plastic surgery of that kind. I shall inform her aunt of the doctor's talents. Doctor Jane has done wonders for many of our students who were unfortunate enough to begin life as males,"

"How wonderful!" exclaimed Marie. "I know that Madame will be delighted to know of such a service being available. "1 Marie tweaked Leslie's nipples with a speculative gleam in her eye. "Miss Leslie will also be delighted to become more like the other girls, I am sure. No longer need she be embarrassed by a lack of proper proportion in that area which is of maximum attractiveness to the opposite sex."

Leslie fervently wished that Marie Page 12

would refrain from teasing him about his impact, when femininely attired, upon the male population. The mere thought of being in the arms of another boy was enough to make his flesh crawl.

But this new conversational ploy also brought tingles of apprehension to his mind. He wondered what horrors would be heaped upon his tottering psyche were he to fall into the pitiless clutches of this ruthless female doctor Marie was chattering about. If this Doctor Jane were to give him a real pair of breasts, he would most certainly be marked for life! But surely his aunt, no matter how modern she fancied herself, would not let such a thing happen to him. At least, Leslie tried valiantly to make himself believe that she wouldn't allow it.

Marie was now turning her attention to his dear little pink lace panties, and her soft hands against his nylon-covered flesh so distracted him that he put the potential future horrors of Doctor Jane out of his mind. Leslie believed devoutly in the old saying which goes, "Sufficient to each day are the evils thereof."

What Marie was doing to him now, however, was hardly what Leslie would consider an evil. Embarrassing, yes, but certainly not evil. Nonetheless, he felt he ought to protest a little for the sake of appearances.

"Oh, please, Marie, don't do that," he said in a half-hearted manner.

"Poof!" Marie retorted. "I am doing nothing more than I have always done for

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